Spiš Museum

Igló (Iglov), Slovakia

Website: https://www.muzeumspisa.com/

Letná 50, 052 01 Spišská Nová Ves
Tel: +421 53 44 237 57
Mail: muzeumspisa@muzeumspisa.com

The Spiš Museum in Spišská Nová Ves is a contributory organization founded by the Košice Self-Governing Region since 2002 (Act No. 302/2001 Coll., Act No. 523/2004 Coll.). The legal document is the certificate of incorporation updated by the founder with effect from 1.4.2009, with an amendment from 11.7.2016. The status and role of the museum, as well as the conditions for the performance of basic professional activities in the museum, are regulated by Act No. 38/2014 of January 31, 2014, amending Act no. 206/2009 Coll. on museums and galleries and on the protection of objects of cultural value.


The Spiš Museum is located (since its establishment in 1951) in the city of Spišská Nová Ves, in its center on the territory of the monument zone, on Letná ul. no. 50, in the historical building – Provincial House, which is a national cultural monument. The Spiš Museum manages subsidiary facilities with objects and exhibitions: Markušovce Manor (Exhibition of historical furniture), Letohradok Dardanely (Exhibition of keyboard musical instruments), Ethnographic Museum Smižany (Exhibition of the folk culture of central Spiš), Birth house of Kpt. Ján Nálepka in Smižany.


The Spiš Museum is one of the most complex regional museums not only in Spiš, but also within the entire region of Eastern Slovakia and Slovakia in general. Its catchment area is the territory of the Spiš region in a historical context, that is, its scope currently extends to the territorial units of the two regions of the Košice and Prešov self-governing regions. The supra-regional importance of the museum is also given by its broad specialization: on the history of the production of keyboard instruments and the development of furniture in Slovakia, natural science research and mining in Spiš, as well as on the documentation of the history of the city and the region. The content of the collection funds is complex and extensive with 150,000 collection items from the following fields: history, ethnography, history of art, history of music, history of technology, numismatics, archaeology, mining, mineralogy, petrography, paleontology, botany and zoology.