Zemplín Museum

Michalovce, Slovakia





Phone: +421 566 441 093


The Zemplín Museum in Michalovce was established in 1957 as a homeland-study museum. Since 1965 has been operating under its current name. Collections and expositions are situated in baroque – classicistic manor house of the aristocrats from Staré and Michalovce. The manor house developed from an older castle in the17th century, his last reconstruction was realised during 1930s, when it took its final appearance. The manor house, former grange and surrounding buildings including reconstructed foundations of important sacral structure within museum´s area are considered to be cultural monuments.


The Zemplín Museum is responsible for documentation of biotic and abiotic elements of local nature and overall cultural and economic development of the Zemplín region as well.


Permanent exhibitions:

Historical exhibiton:
The collections of the historical exposition are located in several rooms on the first floor of the main manor house. Almost none of the original furnishings of the manor have been preserved, because the owners of the manor, the Sztárays, took some of the most valuable items away before the evacuation of the town in 1944, and left some of them outside the building with people they trusted. Less valuable equipment was given away or appropriated by the servants just before leaving Michalovce. The rest was taken by the citizens until the consolidation of the situation after the battlefront passed.


In the the historical exposition there are mostly examples of historical furniture of various types and styles (seating furniture, cupboard, chest of drawers, cabinet, dining table, etc.) from the late 18th to early 20th century from the central and southern Zemplín region.


Art-historical exhibiton:

In the representative premises of the central part of the main mansion of the Sztáray family, the seat of the Zemplín Museum, permanent exhibitions of art history and sacral art are installed.


Ethnographic exhibiton:


The folk culture of the inhabitants of Zemplín region is presented by the most distinctive manifestations of folk art - the Pozdišovce pottery and shepherd art of southern Zemplín. Typical handicrafts as well as the way of living are presented. There are also unique examples of folk fishing and the whole exposition is complemented by displays of folk textiles.



Treasury - an exposition dedicated to the precious treasures of the past is located on the first floor of the reconstructed central Baroque-Classical manor house. The permanent exhibition presents visitors valuable art-historical, archaeological, and numismatic artefacts that are connected with the manor, the Sztáray family, and the region of Zemplín in an interactive and modern way. The objects come from the collections of the museum and selected religious institutions. They are protected by several security features and also by a wrought-iron grille, which allows visitors to look into the room from the outside. The room is also equipped with special lights and a camera system.